Terror Alert Status: Terror Alert Level

Friday, Jun. 11, 2004 - 4:07 pm

Ray Charles

Ray Charles never sold arms to terrorists

Ray Charles never authorized anyone to provide funding, weaponry or diplomatic support to Saddam Hussein

Ray Charles didn't pour American tax money into the massacres of hudreds of thousands of men, women and children up and down Central America in places like Guatemala or El Salvador or Honduras

However, Ray Charles did sing his ass off, play the hell out of a number of musical instruments and generally brought a lot more happiness into the world through his music than certain dead presidents ever did, and if anybody wants to change the money, i'd rather see Ray on the $10 bill

Rest In Peace

Ray Charles (Robinson - dropped in honor of and to avoid confusion with Sugar Ray Robinson)


Thursday, Jun. 10, 2004 - 2:01 pm

Charles Pierce...

...channels the magic dolphin lady over at the WSJ editorial pages and i damn near died laughing as i read it...

For reference, here's what ol' Nooner (and her magic dolphins) had to say about the Wellstone tribute

Wednesday, Jun. 09, 2004 - 3:40 pm

I Never thouight i'dsay this, but...


I never thought i'd ever give props to Bill O'Reilly for even making the slightest attempt at trying to get any kind of honest discussion out of Ann Coulter The evil She-Beast on the subject of Iraq but by god, for at leat that brief moment, he had my respect

Thanks to the kind folks at Pandagon for the link.

Wednesday, Jun. 09, 2004 - 12:24 pm

Hypocritial bastards

All of the right-wing jackholes who moaned and kvetched and groused about politicizing the dead during the Wellstone tribute should just shut the fuck up right about now

Monday, Jun. 07, 2004 - 1:58 pm

The Reagan Legacy

  • Eric Alterman's wrote a good examination of it a few years ago in The Nation tht's worth a look.

  • Tim Noah also adds some insight (thanks to Tom Tomorrow for the link.)

  • Greg Palast pulls no punches

    I can tell you as someone who grew up during the 80's what pieces of the Reagan legacy i can attest to.:

  • The number of homeless and displaced people skyrocketed in the 80's, the place in the Southwest where i live went from being just a winter haven for the retirees who voted for Reagan to becoming a winter haven to the retirees and the the people who paid the price for his failed domestic policies. Of course, Reagan's philosophy was that the poor had only themselves to blame even though his tax policies and business policies resulted in the creation of more poor people than had been seen since the early 60's.

  • The so-called "war on drugs" - The War on drugs, if anything, made the drug trade more profitable than it ever had been, in much the same way that Prohibition made millionaires out of gangsters and bootleggers back in the 20's and 30's. The lure of adventure and fast cash in a risky lifestyle turned a lot of the respectable young republicans i knew from "good" families in high-school and college into suburban dope dealers and i got to come along for the ride as a willing henchman, meanwhile, the 80's also saw the rise of Crack in the bad neghborhoods (and it was always funny that sentencing guidelines for crack were stiffer than those for cocaine in powder form...probably because everyone's lawyers seemed to have a vial of blow handy back in those days.) Nancy telling people to "just say no" while living a lifestyle that endorsed glamour above consequence in her designer dresses, struck even the least educated as paradoxical.

    Reagan's AG, Edwin Meese wasted millions of tax dollars trying to outlaw pornography, although most of the time i think the Meese Comission was probably just jacking off en masse on the public's dime... and while the Obscenity comission was stroking its collective piece, Reagan was using Islamic fundamentalists to fight communism in Afghanistan and using a Stalinist dictator in Iraq to fight Islamic fundamentalists which is very much a contributing fator to the terrorism issues we are faced with today.

    morning in America, my ass, Ronnie.

    I can't say i'm sad to see you go

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