Terror Alert Status: Terror Alert Level

Friday, Jun. 04, 2004 - 12:41 pm

The Crap-ture...at long last

Funny shit right here

best part is:

they're "erious"

Thursday, Jun. 03, 2004 - 2:20 pm

Good Stuff

In his latest post, Digby lights up Howell Raines like a fucking christmas tree.

Best line:

I have to catch my breath at the idea that Bush "handles" Russert well. He is barely conscious and Russert simply doesn't call him on it, that's all. Cheney lies with impunity. If that's "handling" Russert, then Kerry needs to get very,very stupid and start lying his ass off.

sad, but true

Thursday, Jun. 03, 2004 - 10:43 am

Dream of Californication

Darrel "Steal this Car" Issa owes Gray Davis and the state of California a huge fucking apology for instigating the CA recall election.

How is anyone supposed to believe that Republicans really have the best interests of alln people. A republican-friendly company FUCKED California (in their own words), and what was the result? Another Republican actor sitting in the big chair in Sacramento.

Don't believe me?

Here's the transcript of the tapes of Enron (yeah, you remember Enron, right?....that company that George W. Bush didn't do business with in much the same way that Clinton didn't get that blowjob from Monica Lewinsky)

Check this shit out:

Four years after California's disastrous experiment with energy deregulation, Enron energy traders can be heard - on audiotapes obtained by CBS News - gloating and praising each other as they helped bring on, and cash-in on, the Western power crisis.

"He just fucks California," says one Enron employee. "He steals money from California to the tune of about a million."

"Will you rephrase that?" asks a second employee.

"OK, he, um, he arbitrages the California market to the tune of a million bucks or two a day," replies the first [...]

Officials with the Snohomish Public Utility District near Seattle received the tapes from the Justice Department.

"This is the evidence we've all been waiting for. This proves they manipulated the market," said Eric Christensen, a spokesman for the utility.

That utility, like many others, is trying to get its money back from Enron.

"They're fucking taking all the money back from you guys?" complains an Enron employee on the tapes. "All the money you guys stole from those poor grandmothers in California?"

"Yeah, grandma Millie, man"

"Yeah, now she wants her fucking money back for all the power you've charged right up, jammed right up her asshole for fucking $250 a megawatt hour."

And the tapes appear to link top Enron officials Ken Lay and Jeffrey Skilling to schemes that fueled the crisis.

"Government Affairs has to prove how valuable it is to Ken Lay and Jeff Skilling," says one trader.


"Do you know when you started over-scheduling load and making buckets of money on that?

Before the 2000 election, Enron employees pondered the possibilities of a Bush win.

"It'd be great. I'd love to see Ken Lay Secretary of Energy," says one Enron worker.

That didn't happen, but they were sure President Bush would fight any limits on sky-high energy prices.

"When this election comes Bush will fucking whack this shit, man. He won't play this price-cap bullshit."

Crude, but true.

"We will not take any action that makes California's problems worse and that's why I oppose price caps," said Mr. Bush on May 29, 2001.

Both the Justice Department and Enron tried to prevent the release of these tapes

Hail to the thief, baby

Wednesday, Jun. 02, 2004 - 10:22 am

With the exception of Paul Krugman...

...Fuck the New York Times for their half-assed apology and for keeping Judith Miller around.

Can we put Ms. Miller and the White House's cadre of neocons on the Iranian payroll for buying Ahmed Chalabi's bullshit.

Here's a hilariously scary concept to chew on. Thanks to Chalabi, we fulfilled the wet dreams of every Ayatollah in Tehran.

Wednesday, Jun. 02, 2004 - 10:04 am

Questions, Questions

TomDispatch.com asks 12 Questions of Emperor George W. Bunnypants.

too bad the fucking media lapdogs won't ask these questions.

(tip of the hat to Tom Tomorrow for the link)

Tuesday, Jun. 01, 2004 - 5:40 pm

Multiple choice time

Matt Drudge, for using the Moonie-owned rag the Washington Times as a sourcce and acting as their source (disturbingly circular, that) in an attempt to drum up a sex scandal against John Kerry.

A) Asshole

B) Jackoff

C) Scumbag

I say D) All of the above.

Tuesday, Jun. 01, 2004 - 5:26 pm

The only thing thin about him is his skin

For someone who likes to talk shit about everyone else, as Media Matters points out, Rush Limbaugh spends a lot of time whining like the bitch we all know he is.

punk-ass can ditch it out, but sure can't take it very well, can he

Tuesday, Jun. 01, 2004 - 5:04 pm

Fascism begins at home

Tom Tomorrow fills us in on Trouble at the Capobianco Gallery in San Francisco over a painting depicting the abuse at Abu Ghraib.

I mean, Damn. Some chickenshit, mouthbreathing cock-knocker actually went as far as to sucker-punch the woman who owns the gallery. People csn chide me for the relative anonymity from which i sling and spew forth my words into the internet, but if i'm possessed by the need to beat someone's ass for some reason, i'm gonna make sure they know who beat them and why.

I think people who beat on women are shit, and combine that with how this unknown shit-stain did it, well if i ever met that person, i wouldn't be so kind as to piss on them if they happened to accidentally catch fire.

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