Terror Alert Status: Terror Alert Level

Friday, Dec. 02, 2005 - 5:21 pm

Fun with Astroturds

Every so often, i'll look around some of the various newspapers and i'll see a turn of phrase in the Letters to the Editor that sounds less like something a normal person would write and more like the scrawlings of some consultant hired to write a form letter.

this in itself is not such a big deal, but when the exact same text appears in several papers and the only difference between them is the name of the porported letter writer, then it's what we call "Astroturf"

I saw this block of text, copied verbatim in the local waste-of-trees we call a newspaper and wouldn't you know it? ... it came from Gee-Oh-Pee dot com ('cause i am SOOOO not dignifying the Chinless Bitch's wenbsite with a link).

I've replaced some of the text with my own editorial slant for shits and giggles:

President Bush has a clear plan an assload of talking points that he's used before for victory in Iraq that begins with training the ARVN...shit...oopsIraqi forces so they can defend their countryform death squads and fight the communists...fuck, wrong decadeterrorists. We are making tremendous progress towards this objectivewatching Iraq implode into civil war. Earlier this year, The only fully operational and combat-ready component of Iraqi forces led the fight in clearing out terrorists during the crucial battle of Tal Afar, with U.S. troops in a supporting role, and every day, Iraqis are taking more control of the situation on the groundIran is seizing more and more influence in the Shi'ite region. Withdrawing from Iraq, as some Democrats in Washington propose, would send a dangerous signal to our enemies that we cut and run when the going gets toughhave the sense not to perpetuate a dangerous mismanaged clusterfuck any longer than seems reasonable. President Bush is offering a clear strategy to wina bunch of the same recycled catchphrases and slogans he's been pimping since May 1, 2003, not a political quick fix.anything that resembles any sort of plan that appears to have been influenced by anything as inconvenient as, say, Reality

Thursday, Dec. 01, 2005 - 5:51 pm

What, no falafel in my stocking?

Yep, Atrios is right... Bill O'Reilly is completely full-on batshit crazy

Thursday, Dec. 01, 2005 - 4:22 pm

Well, Duh.

Apparently, with such a firm grasp of things, CIA Chief Porter Goss is doing a heck of a job... Just like Brownie

"We know a great deal more about bin Laden, Zarqawi and [bin Laden aide Ayman] Zawahiri then we're able to say publicly," Goss said. He said the men had not been found "primarily because they don't want us to find them and they're going to great lengths to make sure we don't find them."

Umm, yeah...

Thursday, Dec. 01, 2005 - 3:09 pm

All the news that's fit to plant

The pro-war crowd constantly bleats and babbles that our media isn't doing enough to publicize the positives happening in Iraq, so, Rummy's house of screw-ups decided that the best way to control the message was to have their very own Potemkin media in Iraq

Because members of this assministration haven't learned that paying journalists to be parrots is STILL JUST ASS-STUPID NO MATTER WHETHER YOU ARE DOING IT AT HOME OR ABROAD

Thursday, Dec. 01, 2005 - 2:42 pm

news from Room 101

One of the domestic spying agencies borne from the "PATRIOT Act" (man, whatta fucking misnomer that thing is, no?) has been keeping an eye on a few bloggers here and there.

The Counter Intelligence Field Agency (CIFA) has recently been granted some measure of expanded power and apprently the J. Edgasr Hoover days of secret files being kept on Americans at home by their own government are back., so if, like the good General J. C. Christian you happen to spot CIFA.mil in your stats tracker, then you too have attracted the ROVE-ing of Big Brother

Thursday, Dec. 01, 2005 - 2:37 pm

from the "balls as big as church-bells" department

Some of the staffers at al Jazeera have started a blog named after their near-Bush experience

cool, now if someone would just drop Frank Gaffney out of a fucking airplane that'd be great

Thursday, Dec. 01, 2005 - 2:18 pm

Musings from the chinless Closet-Case

Peddling a softer, subtler version of the coulterite notion of dissent being equal to outright disloyalty, Repuke National Committee chairman Ken "chinless"Mehlman says:
"No one is immune to criticism but rewriting history, attacking for nothing more than domestic political gain, does nothing to help us win"

And then he goes after Joe "I roll over and play dead for Karl a lot don't I?" Biden (D-MBNA) as if he's just been a thorn in the Bushco side and not the slavering fellatrix in a tutu that he looks like when he tries to please republicans by being "non-partisan"

Thursday, Dec. 01, 2005 - 1:52 pm

Umm... EWWWW!
Between the post linked here and some of his other recent commentary, i suggest that no-one let their tween-to-teenage daughters anywhere near The National Review's John Derbyshire.

quite frankly i wonder if he's ever had a pencil moustache

Thursday, Dec. 01, 2005 - 11:51 am

'cause I needs the attention

So come on, Billy-boy, you Falafel-molesting fascist assclown

, put me on your list.

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