Terror Alert Status: Terror Alert Level

Wednesday, Nov. 09, 2005 - 5:57 pm

He asked for it
Over at Senator Bill "hello Kitty" Frist's VOLPAC blog, he invited comments

naturally, i couldn't help but oblige, even though his moderator will screen out most contrary viewpoints and then Fristy McBitchsauce will spin the lack of negative commentary shown on the page as "overwhelming support" of his position.

In his blog he argues in favor of giving Samuel "scalito" Alito the straight-shot up or down vote in the senate as opposed to actually finding out how much of a rightwing tool he really is. In addition, he also whines about Harry Reid handing him and the rest of the Repukes their testes on a platter by forcing the issue of looking into the Assministration's manipulation of prewar intelligence

(because, hey, God forbid the "Party of Personal Responsibility" should actually ever want to be held accountable for anything)

HERE is the comment i left:

I notice at the top of this box that "comments are moderated"

I take this to mean that in addition to those inappropriate posts by the drooling knuckle-draggers and lunatics on both sides of the discussion, a good percentage of those posts disagreeing with youn general principle will likely also be struck from this board before seeing the light of day.

Because, after all, the Spin is what counts, no?

With that being said, I can't help but be astounded by the sheer volume of irony in your well-rehearsed outrage.

I find it laughable that the all of the blocking tactics which you and your republican peers used against nominees to the Courts and to various other positions in the previous President's administration were considered fair game when they were the weapons at YOUR disposal, but now that the shoe is on the other foot and you are in the ostensible majority, it's "obstruction" or "a stunt."

With all due respect, Senator, your objections hold about as much weight as that videotape diagnosis you rendered a few months back

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