Terror Alert Status: Terror Alert Level

Tuesday, Oct. 05, 2004 - 1:52 pm

Smells like the Reichstag fire to me
Just so they can act all indignant about how "uncivil" the left is, the Moonie Times has an article about shots being Fired at a Chimpy/Cheney campaign office

Between this, and that Phil Parlock guy a couple of weeks ago, who, along with his 3-year old daughter was "attacked" and had their Chimpy/Cheney signs ripped up at a Kerry/Edwards rally by a "Union guy" who looked a lot like one of his (Parlock's) own sons, don't put it past the Republican party as a whole to engineer a lot of these bullshit martyrdom tactics to try and curry sympathy for their side and count on the so caled liberal media to swallow the bullshit whole.

Thursday, Sept. 30, 2004 - 4:14 pm

Funny what Dick Cheney used to think about the idea of toppling Saddam and bogging us down in a nation-building misadventure.

Funny how well all of that Halliburton money can change a man's mind, no?

Thursday, Sept. 30, 2004 - 12:44 pm

Reality Check
Last week, Dubya claimed that the Taliban were no longer in existence"

And the Taliban, I guess, just didn't believe me. And as a result of the United States military, Taliban no longer is in existence

In typical Animal Farm fashion, it looks like Karl "Squealer" Rove snuck in overnight and had someone re-word the transcript, but this line is still bullshit when compared against the harsh reality of the situation:

I said to the Taliban, get rid of al Qaeda in Afghanistan. I meant what I said. And they didn't, and so the United States military did get rid of al Qaeda, as well as Taliban in Afghanistan. (Applause.)

In other words, the Taliban was providing safe haven for these people, and we got rid of the Taliban as a government in Afghanistan, and therefore, denied al Qaeda the chance to train. Al Qaeda still exists. About 75 percent of their known leaders have been brought to justice. They're still there, but they no longer have safe haven. And we're safer for it. See, the way these people think is -- they're parasitical, they want to be a parasite, and they kind of burrow into weak societies in hopes that they can have -- be able to plot and plan. It's the nature of the world we live in. It's different from the past, but nevertheless, it's one that requires clear sight and strong will. And so by removing the Taliban, we're safer. By putting al Qaeda on the run out of Afghanistan, we're safer. We're also safer because Afghanistan is becoming free.

Tell that to the 19 people they killed today, you sub-literate ass-clown.

and on a side note, Fuck You, Chris Hitchens for implying that any of us on the political left of this issue are cheering for the success of the enemy...put the tequila bottle down and give us names or STFU, bitch.

Charles Pierce does a better, more eloquent job of smacking down Bitchens over at Altercation...you'll need to scroll down a bit, but it's worth it.

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