Terror Alert Status: Terror Alert Level

Friday, Jun. 18, 2004 - 5:28 pm


  • A)It's the media's fault (...nice try, you Dick, but the lapdog/whores were too busy buying what YOU were selling and shoveling it out to the public for you so that nobody could potentially accuse them of being either biased or "unpatriotic")

  • B)"we didn't say what they say we said and even though you all heard me say it, that isn't what i said"

    Friday, Jun. 18, 2004 - 4:30 pm

    If i haven't said it lately

    CBS/Viacom's advertising policy, RE:political advertisements, is some selctively enforced bullshit with a nasty partisan slant to it

    Friday, Jun. 18, 2004 - 1:29 pm

    Watching Scotty Lie

    Follwing up the previous entry:

    We've got a President who can barely speak and, appropriately enough, The same is apparently true of his Press Secretary

    Shorter Scotty (and therefore, Shorter BushCo): "We refuse, even in the light of the evidence that contradicts us, to admit either that we lied or that we might have misjudged"

    Friday, Jun. 18, 2004 - 1:13 pm

    On a lighter, but not unrelated note note

    (and i mean that because thinking about it too much is otherwise gonna make me even more ill than i generally am)

    ...It's sometimes refreshing to see the corporate whores bare their teeth and actually play hardball with Scotty every now and then

    Friday, Jun. 18, 2004 - 1:05 pm


    regardless of whatever side of the political fence one is on in this country, This is just awful.

    Friday, Jun. 18, 2004 - 10:10 am

    I take it back

    Just last week when i thought there was hope for the man, this week shows us, that , if anything, Bill O'reilly really is a tool

    Wednesday, Jun. 16, 2004 - 5:29 pm


    The 9/11 Commission stated in findings today that it could see No link Between Iraq and al Qaeda...In other news, it is becoming increasingy clear that Dick "no bid" Cheney has NO long-standing ties with reality or honesty

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