Terror Alert Status: Terror Alert Level

Monday, May. 10, 2004 - 5:51 pm

He's kidding?.....right?...please God, let him be kidding

Bush says that America owes Donald Rumsfeld a Debt of Gratitude

I say Bush is either still a raving drunk or lost more braincells to his cocaine days than he is willing to admit if that's what he thinks.

A debt of gratitude for what,

  • for 700+ dead American troops and approximately 10,000 dead Iraqi


  • for not listening to the Generals who said it would take more troops on the Ground to stabilize Iraq after the fall of Saddam?

  • for helping create the whole fucking Saddam probklem in teh first place?

    yeah, thanks alot, motherfucker.

    Monday, May. 10, 2004 - 5:02 pm

    What the FUCK???

    In what has got to be one of the most heinous lapses of sense since the last heinous lapse in sense to come out of DC (which now seems to occur at an almost HOURLY rate) the US Senate confirmed John "Death squads? I didn't see any death squads" Negroponte as the new US Ambassador to Iraq.

    By an inexplicable vote of 95-3, they appointed one spectacularly sick fuck to represent us in a place where, as the news has pointed out, we have already had our image as Americans damaged by sick fucks.

    The so-called "War on Terror" is just about to become that much closer to unwinnable with this jackass on board.

    So, thank you GW Bush and US Senate, for pissing away even more of our claim to any sort of moral high ground that our government and America in general has tried to lay claim to.

    fucking brilliant.

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