Terror Alert Status: Terror Alert Level

Friday, May. 07, 2004 - 5:17 pm

My closing thought for the week

It's been really funny throughout the last week or so as the Iraq prison scandal has unfolded to hear people asking stupid-ass questions about "well, why didn't any of you people speak up when Saddam was doing it to his own people?"

Easy, you stupid fucking jack-pipes, when those of us who knew anything about what an atrocious bastard Saddam was WERE saying something about it, you kool-aid drinking, check-mailing pusbags were too fucking busy supporting the senile dolt who was propping up Saddam's regime just so that maybe we could get an oil pipeline built and covering up for Saddam in front of the UN.

A tip of the hat

Big props to Sen. John McCain, (R-AZ) and the hecklers who kept Rummy on the spot today when he testified in front of members of the Senate today.

At one point, Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona, pressed Rumsfeld repeatedly on who was in charge of the interrogations at the prison. U.S. soldiers, private contractors and intelligence officers were all working there.

When a Pentagon aide began answering the question, McCain interrupted him:

"Mr. Secretary, you can't answer these questions?" McCain demanded.

Rumsfeld said he was deferring to "the expert" but at McCain's prompting, he then answered. He said "military intelligence people" were in charge of the interrogations.

McCain was apparently focusing on one aspect of a military report about the abuse. Senators read quotes from that report in which the military guards said they were told to "soften up" the prisoners before their interrogations.

Shorter John McCain: "Answer the question, Beeee-yaaatch!"

PS: Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) is still a chickenhawk shitbag who isn't fit to carry Max Clelland's jockstrap

PPS: If Rush Limbaugh thinks that the stuff coming out of Abu Ghraib is just harmless "frat hazing" then it might furhter explain the anal problem that he says kept him out of Vietnam... stupid pro-fascist asshat junkie

Thursday, May. 06, 2004 - 6:19 pm

Stop, hey, what's that sound?

Now that the "National Day of Prayer" is over, Jefferson and Franklin and some of the others can stop spinning in their graves, now.

Thursday, May. 06, 2004 - 6:12 pm

Is it because they opened the door for this sort of thing so wide?

The Arizona Republic's Steve Benson re-iterates what i've been saying all week

it's depressing to know that the people running that prison could fuck up so catastrophically, it's almost equally depresssing to realize that it seems to have given so many people the exact same impression as it gave me

Thursday, May. 06, 2004 - 3:45 pm

If the wingers wanted to make a backhanded point...

They could just say that they wanted to export the America prison experience to Iraq.

But then, of course, that would have to involve admitting that most prisons here in the States are total fucking crime-farms too, so i guess that wouldn't help their spin too much....heh.

Thursday, May. 06, 2004 - 3:24 pm

Guess i wasn't the only one thinking it

Mark Fiore's Flash cartoon over at Working for Change makes the same Under New Management crack i've been making for the last couple of days.


Thursday, May. 06, 2004 - 3:14 pm


David Brooks' Media Matters site provides further proof - as if his recent casual dismissals of the (quite literal) Abu Ghraib clusterfuck weren't quite enough - that Rush Limbaugh is a load his mother should have swalowed

Thursday, May. 06, 2004 - 10:45 am

53 Pages of Damnation

Maj. Gen Antonio Taguba's report on Abu Ghraib prison.

(Link swiped from Tom Tomorrow

Thursday, May. 06, 2004 - 10:23 am


There's this whole "National Day of Prayer" thing going on, which was established by Congress in 1952. Of all of the people they could have picked to be the Honorry Chairperson, couldn't they have actually picked someone with a little fucking honor left to them?

I mean, aftr all, this is Lt. Col. Oliver North, USMC (ret.) we're taling about, the fuckpig traitor who undermind the constitution at the behest of Ron "I don't recall" Reagan by brokering an arms deal with Iran/Hezbollah to help fund a proxy war in Nicaragua... a full-metal jackoff if ever there was one

Wednesday, May. 05, 2004 - 5:55 pm

going back to my "Under New Management" remarks

Scott Bateman's "Actual Quote Comics" takes a quick stab at the issue.

But notice this:

Little Lord Fucknut never actually Apologizes for the shit that happened at Abu Ghraib

Someone tell me again why the Republican party tries to lay claim to being the party of "Personal Responsibility." All i've seen from this gang of ass-monkeys is a whole crapload of buck-passing.

UPDATE:Chimpy turned around today (05/06/04) and did the right thing, for once Now if he'll just show Rummy the fucking door that's be peachy.


Caught Joe Wilson on The Daily Show last night. Good stuff.

If this administration truly does subscribe to the Rule of Law as it claims to, Karl Rove, Scooter Libby and Bob "Traitor Douchebag" Novak should all be sent somewhere where they'll be subjected to the Abu Ghraib treatment

I definitely won't be attending church anytime soon

Unless and until the rest of the Church pulls its head out of its ass.

Father Greeley lays it out like this

(link swiped from Atrios)

Tuesday, May. 04, 2004 - 5:30 pm

Hearts and minds, part CXVI, etc

Oy Fucking vey!

Tuesday, May. 04, 2004 - 4:59 pm

The difference between Rush Limbaugh and the Hindenburg

One's a flaming nazi gas-bag, the other was just an airship.

For further proof, the fine folks at World O'Crap offer us this fine fresh steaming nugget as further proof.

Doctor Strange-feld, i presume...

Secretary of Defensive Spin Control, Don Rumsfeld, picked apart quite neatly here

Seriously, i can only imagine that the most deficient of the Kool-aid drinkers would still give anything that comes out of that guy's mouth the benefit of the doubt.

After all, don't the administration's assertions regarding Iraq's possession of WMDs hinge on the possibility that Rumsfeld kept the purchase orders?

Wait a minute...

I thought that the reason that Chimpy was able to drop Afghnistan off the radar and run off half-cocked into Iraq was because we had beaten these guys

Dopey me, i forgot, Bush couldn't even finish his National Guard tour, what made me think he was gonna finish one war before starting another.

Holly shit

I've actually gone tgwenty four hours without some new, useless detail in the Michael Jackson case to distract the average TV Viewer's attention from the Abu Ghraib prison scandal which is going to fuck up our whole program for a long time to come

Monday, May. 03, 2004 - 2:31 pm

Too many open windows...

I feel a bit of a draft coming on

Karen Hughes...flaming fascist asshole

She equates being pro-choice with being a terrorist during an interview with CNN's Wolf "see how magnificently i fellate republicans on air" Blitzer

Monday, May. 03, 2004 - 1:57 pm

The FCC should do something about this

Sinclair's decision regarding last week's Nightline was a blatantly partisan move

If the FCC fails to act on this, it should serve as one more example of their lack of credibility and integrity both as it relates to political content and on the issue of media consolidation

Monday, May. 03, 2004 - 1:41 pm

Mondsy is upon us

and sweet Jeebus does it weigh a ton.

Fascism begins at home

WTF What, are we all going to have to sign some kind of oath or something next?

Winning Hearts and Minds

On the anniversary of flightsuit day, Chimpus Unelectus gave a speech defending last year's publicity stunt and talked about how we had shut down Saddam Hussein's "Torture chambers and 'Rape Rooms'"

By the looks of things, it's more a case of them not so much being shut down as being "Under New Management"

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