Terror Alert Status: Terror Alert Level

Tuesday, Oct. 26, 2004 - 2:00 pm

Considering how prone the Bush administration is to spinning, lying about, or generally trivializing their catastrophic fuck-ups, i'm surprised Team Dumbass hasn't had little Scotty trot out and in front of the gaggle and say something like : At the rate which the insurgents are using the explosives we left laying about for them to steal, we aree confident that they will run out sooner than later"

377 fucking tons of some really intesively explosive shit lying unprotected and where was the first place that Team Chickenhawk made sure our troops were ordered to secure?

The oil facilities and related ministries.

Some people have a pretty warped idea of "safer," i guess.

Tuesday, Oct. 26, 2004 - 12:47 pm

To be sure...
after my rant about Native American heritage, i got taken to task, albeit fairly tactfully for knowing so little about my own.

Fair enough.

Admittedly though, these were things my parents, aunts and uncles hardly seemed to know much about as it was enough of a difference from our surroundings to be identified as "Mexican" and know that to be such, in many cases is to be an indeterminately mixed bag of Mesoamerican Indian tribes and Spanish or other European blood.

In my own defense, i'm proud of myself for being able to pinpoint even a few likely tribal identifiers having neither known or studied anything about that aspect of my heritage until a couple of years ago

That said, it was an honest criticism of my take on things, so i've no real quarrel with any of that

My gripe, however, and apparently not everyone has been subjected to the remark i mocked in the earlier post is that specific, literal remark about being "a quarter Cherokee on my grandmother's side"

like i was trying to say, it's usually a cheap attempt at trying to shoe-horn oneself into another culture usually for the sake of trying to be seen as "cool" by your new pet ethnotype... like the kids i knew in school who started talking like Cheech after they saw Up in Smoke and all of the people who went out and bought western gear after they saw Urban Cowboy

It comes across as patronizing, if anyting

I may be fascinated by my cultural heritage, but i'm not going to wear it on my sleeve in some obvious, disingenuous way.

Thursday, Oct. 21, 2004 - 5:36 pm

You've got to be fucking kidding me

The unmitigated gall of these people never ceases to astound me.

Liz Cheney, other daughter of VP "Swingin'" Dick Cheney, has the nerve to say that Mary Cheney's sexuality shouldn't be a campaign issue

Yeah, right...

Considering the GOP platform's decidedly anti-gay bent and the GOP's general willingness to use things like same-sex marriage as a hot-button issue (Rainbow Peril, if you will), the fact that the she works for her father's campaign even as it seeks to make sure that the law will regard her as a second-class citizen (or worse) is perfectly fertile ground for criticism of the Bush/Cheney administrations stance on gay issues.

Seriously, the nearest equivalent i could think of would be if RuPaul became the official spokes model for the Klan

So, with that in mind, I really do think that Liz and Lynne need to take Dick's advice and go fuck themselves

Thursday, Oct. 21, 2004 - 4:41 pm

The proverbial forked tongue dilemma
An interesting article over at MSNBC about something that is, in my opinion, a vastly under-reported issue regarding the failure by the Federal Government to live up to any of its promises (or obligations) to the Native American tribes that it has historically screwed time and again since the days of Manifest Destiny.

As someone with a high percentage of native blood, i take these sorts of things a little more personally than many.

To the best of my knowledge, i am at least (and pardon the fuzzy fractions) 3/4 Native, though what tribes in what precise percentages i couldn't accurately guess. I just know that i have brown skin and cannot grow a decent moustache or beard for the life of me and that there is probably a high percentage of Maya and maybe Kickapoo and prpbably a little Mexica thrown in for good measure

On a dide note i swear to god, satan, buddha and any other deity out there that i will kick the ass of the next person i hear say "I'm a quarter Cherokee on my grandmother's side" - Bullshit, there aren't that many Cherokee grandmas in the world and just because you maybe cultivated some sort of Native American fetish form a few too many viewings of Dances with Wolves you're still not an Indian

I'm a quarter, fair skinned, green-eyed Spaniard on my grandfather's side but nobody's ever gonna mistake me for having any discernibly European ancestry, so when asked, i find it easiest to just say "Mexican"

Thursday, Oct. 21, 2004 - 4:03 pm

You got Served!
Never saw the movie, never wanted to, but i would do my own little dance of schadenfreude to have been a witness the Subpoena being handed to Tom "did't go to Vietnam because so many black and Latino boys had signed up that there just wasn�t any room." DeLay.

Hammer that, bug-man.

Wednesday, Oct. 20, 2004 - 4:54 pm

Click here for the counterpoint to all of the rightwing bullshit about John Edwards fixing his hair just before a TV appearance... yes, that means you, Matt Drudge

Touche', bitches.

Monday, Oct. 18, 2004 - 2:36 pm

Check out this clip of Jon Stewart on Crossfire ripping Paul Begala (a little bit) and Tucker "gutless wonder" Carlson (a lot) a shiny pair of new assholes.

the closing line was the best:

CARLSON: I do think you're more fun on your show. Just my opinion.

STEWART: You know what's interesting, though? You're as big a dick on your show as you are on any show.

UPDATE - 10/18/04 - 6:16PM
The dick who wears the bowtie and expects to be taken seriously has the nerve to say that Stewart looked "ridiculous" as a result of their confrontation.
Now if that ain't about the height of irony coming from that reedy little putz, i don't know what is.
Face it, Tucker: you, the self professed "journalist" or whatever you claim to be, on the network full of partisan hacks that calls itself "The Most Respected Name in News," got your ass handed to you by a comedian who does a "fake news" show on Comedy Central...you got owned in front of a live audience, deal with it.
loosen your bowtie and quit hyperventilating beeyatch.

Monday, Oct. 18, 2004 - 1:28 pm

Where was Lynne's Outrage Then?
For all of her spewing and blustering last week about John Kerry defending her daughter from her party's own ideology, i would like to know where was Lynne Cheney's well-rehearsed outrage when Alan Keyes called Mary Cheney a "selfish hedonist?"

Or where was her outrage when LDS homophobe Shari Dew, who compared gays to Nazis and the gay-rights movement to the Holocaust was chosen to give the opening invocation at the Republican National Convention?

Nowhere, that's where.

Republicans, figuratively speaking at least, have no compounction about eating their young if they can score political points out of it. That's why Lynne and "Flaccid" Dick Cheney will sit silently by and not say a goddamned thing when members of their own party make actual, bona fide cheap shots at their daughter or at gays and lesbians in general, but then act as if Kerry had outed her even though Mary Cheney is OPENLY GAY and was part of the G/L outreach campaign for Republican Pete Coors' Senate Campaign?

Besides, the Republican Party, with all of their grass-roots "culture war" rhetoric from the wingnut sector of the party (i can't call them a fringe anymore as much sway as they have managed to garner for themselves) have only themselves to blame for bringing the whole gayness issue to the forefront anyway.

buncha dumbasses

Monday, Oct. 18, 2004 - 1:18 pm

El Punto
Based on some of the various idiocies i've encountered while shuffling around the blogosphere, i will say this:

People who not only rely on Sinclair Broadcast Group's Mark Hyman to feed them their opinion about world matters but also mimic his rhetorical style and catchphrases (except in mockery/parody) should seriously consider turning in their swim trunks and getting the fuck out of the gene pool...now.

Y eso es El Punto...(bitches.)

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