Terror Alert Status: Terror Alert Level

Thursday, Sept. 16, 2004 - 1:57 pm

Hey, hey...

Somebody buy the boy a nice, new brown shirt

I remember seeing the punk-ass gerbil stuffer, Drudge posting an article where a Kerry heckler got roughed up by some union guy at a Kerry campaign stop, but the young punkass i'm talking about at the RNC kicked a girl after she'd been knocked down by security...(and The Gerbil-stuffer conveniently had nothing to say in his site about that one...hmmm)

Thursday, Sept. 09, 2004 - 4:15 pm

Catastrophic success?


That phrase has just been pining off the inside of my skull for days, especially when i notice that it hasn't been met with the same degrey of mockery as Kerry's "sensitive" remarks

I mean if we really want to get in and analyze this sort of thing, everyting that Bush calls a success, pretty mucn is a fucking catastrophe..."Mission Acomplished," anyone...i don't know if this country can survive another 4 years of "catastrophic success"

Thursday, Sept. 09, 2004 - 3:08 pm

also nicked from Bob Harris...

In honor of our government's catastrophic lack of preparedness 3 years ago, its National Scare the Children Month

I envision W will likely spend the month clearing brush on his "ranch" and analyznig the esoteric value and deeper meanings of "My pet Goat" to mark the occasion and "Limp" Dick Cheney will remain ensconced within his undisclosed location whether or not he sees his shadow

Thursday, Sept. 09, 2004 - 2:28 pm

I'm surprised they didn't drill his teeth and ask him if it was "safe"

Bob Harris over at This Modrn World recounts his experience with America's descent into totalitarianism in the name of "safety".

Jeebus...And i thought my Army physical where the ancient doctor with the not-just-ice-but-glacier-cold hands who grabbed my balls and told me to turn my head and cough was bad...

Wednesday, Sept. 08, 2004 - 12:45 pm

Oh...is that so?

"The World is safer..."

Says you, monkey-boy:

  • 1004 US troops dead in Iraq since the war began

  • Iraq itself, the supposed crowning acheievement of the Bush Administration and the "war on terror" edging toward a likely civil war

  • 350 dead as a result of the school siege in Beslan, Russia

  • The 2002 bomb attack in Bali

  • The May, 13, 2004 Riyadh bombings

  • The al Khobar incident (June 4, 2004)

  • Tne genocide in Sudan

  • The AISD crisis in Africa and throughout the world

  • The lingering threat of a resurgence of the Taliban in Afghanistan

  • Upwards of 10,000 Iraqi civillian casualties

    Gerorge and Dick say

    " 'Murika iz safer "

    my respons to that is: "Bitches, are you high?"

    Wednesday, Sept. 08, 2004 - 12:28 pm


    Atrios in his takedown of one of Andrew Sullivan's dumbest statements (ever) re-iterates the point i've made when arguing with wingnuts about the very same subject. My disdain/disgust/contempt for the right-wing view of the world does NOT mean either explicitly or implicitly that i want the terrorists to win, because it should be clear that if i am not particularly fond of one group of puritannical, dictatorial religious extremists, than i for goddamn sure won't side with people who are essentially their ideological brethren save for the name of the religion they abuse.

    I mean, seriously, the right-wing argument seems thus (and i've said this before, so do pardon me if i am beating a dead horse): In order to protect my freedom from deranged fundamentalists who would force me to live in their warped idea of a theocratic utopia, i must surrender my freedom to deranged fundamentalists who would force me to live in their warped idea of a theocratic utopia.

    fuck that, and fuck them.

    Tuesday, Sept. 07, 2004 - 3:27 pm

    998...999...1000...1001 and counting...


    One thousand and one U.s. Troops dead.

    I wonder if that nasty, diseased, Silver Gorilla called Barbara Pierce Bush, mother of Chimpus Unelectus has enough conscience to regret saying these words to Diane Sawyer on March 18, 2003 back when the war was just getting under way:

    "But why should we hear about body bags, and deaths, and how many, what day it's gonna happen, and how many this or what do you suppose? Or, I mean, it's, it's not relevant. So, why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that"

    It makes mer glad i no longer generally refer to myself as any kind of christian, because if i did i would inherently feel bad about sitting here wishing that she should succumb to the worlds first terminal case of hemorrhoids for saying something so downright fucking horrible as that.

    1,001 lives sacrificed so that

  • Monkeypants could Prance around in a goddamn flight suit

  • So that Chimpy could wisecrack to the kool-aid drinking corporate whores who support him that there are No WMD here

  • because the smirking little shitbag dared the enemy (ever so bravely from the safety of a stateside podium) to attack our troops when he said There are some who feel like -- that the conditions are such that they can attack us there. My answer is, bring them

    1,001 lives more worthy of the fruits of life and liberty than the monkey-faced little prick or any member of his family or circle of corporate cronies whose greed sent them to their deaths.

    George Bush, Laura Bush, Barbara Bush, Dick Cheney, John McCain, Zell Miller, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Scooter Libby, George HW Bush, Karl ROve, Ed Gillespie, Bob Novak, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Weiner...and every other piece of soulless, chicken-hawk sewer-slime...

    you can all go take Dick's advice and GO FUCK YOURSELVES

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