Terror Alert Status: Terror Alert Level

Monday, Aug. 09, 2004 - 4:43 pm

Bush suppporters Harmless vegetables, noxious weeds, or POD PEOPLE!!


I guess that answers that

Friday, Aug. 06, 2004 - 8:57 pm

Aw, hell...

If i ran the afterlife, just because it would amuse me so, I'd let him do whatever he wanted to the souls of every dead right-wing nut on the other side... and when they asked why, he could tell them "I'm Rick James, BEEYATCH!"

Rick James, 56, takin' the funk to the hereafter...RIP

Thursday, Aug. 05, 2004 - 9:17 pm

He finally admits it

Karl must have about shit himself.

Well, the truth had to slip past his lips at least once, even if he didn't intend it to.

"They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."

...Doctor Freud, paging Doctor Freud.

(Link via Atrios)

Monday, Aug. 02, 2004 - 2:59 pm

I'm debating whether or not to be surprised by this...my first instinct is toward "not"

I mean isn't it just way too coincidental that right around the time that the latest Zogby poll on the presidential horserace comes out and seems to show that more and more Chimpy may well be toast if he doesn't just flat-out dispense with the whole notion of democracy and become the dictator he wants to be, Minister of Fear Tom Ridge comes out and says that there is new information regarding potential terror targets.


Monday, Aug. 02, 2004 - 2:17 pm

Check this out

You may have to click and sit through a brief advert, but to hear Tucker "Gutless Wonder" Carlson get all snippy and defensive when being called on his idiotic "jacuzzi cases" remark about Future Veep John Edwards, click on this article over at Salon

If taking flak over an asinine remark is going to have Bow-tie boy acting like someone lit the fuse on his tampon, he should learn to think twice before opening that smug little mouth of his


Friday, Jul. 30, 2004 - 10:22 am

Should i start building a guillotine?

These assholes are starting to sound like Marie Antoinette.


Shorter Bush Campaign Aide: "Let them eat Prozac"

Thursday, Jul. 29, 2004 - 3:11 pm

Surprise, Surprise, Surprise...not

Almost as if on cue, Pakistan announces it has caught a high-level al Qaeda member... it should be noted that there has been some speculation that the Bush junta has been pressing the Pakistani government to procure a high-level AQ figure in order to steal the spotlight from the DNC...

Unsurprisingly, the media has taken the bait and MSNBC has it as their banner headline.

I mean, hey, it's cool that they caught one of the asshats responsible for the 1998 embassy bombings, but it's rather brazen, blatant, and painfully obvious that BushCo is pressing Pakistan to deliver more big AQ targets before Novermber in the hopes that a few big srrests will trump all other voter concerns between now and then.

Thursday, Jul. 29, 2004 - 2:34 pm

More from the "honor and integrity" files

"You fucking son of a bitch. I won't forget what you said and you're going to pay a price for it." - George W. Bush, 1988 yelling at WSJ reporter Al Hunt in front of Hunt's wife and then-4-year-old-daughter while the Hunts were eating in a restaurant after hunt had speculated during the run-up to the '88 election that George HW Bush would not win the Republican nomination

What will we tell the children?

Monday, Jul. 26, 2004 - 2:49 pm

Messrs. O'Reilly, Buchanan etc...

If any of you republican slapnuts have a problem with Theresa Heinz Kerry telling that reporter to "shove it," you can all "go fuck yourselves"

Monday, Jul. 26, 2004 - 2:41 pm

Big difference

Stephen Soldz dissects the war and its effect on the Iraqi people.

Link via Holden who is assisting over at Eschaton while Atrios is currently attending the DemCon in Boston

Monday, Jul. 26, 2004 - 2:39 pm

Work versus vlogging

Again, thins are a bit on the weird side in terms of the amount of time i can devote to ranting and attempting to be one more voice crying out in the wilderness versus doing that whuch pays my bills and keeps me out of trouble.


Tuesday, Jul. 20, 2004 - 3:09 pm

Bill Moyers

Read this as if your life and soul depended upon it (because they probably do)

Tuesday, Jul. 20, 2004 - 1:42 pm


The wonderfully warped folks over at Sadly, No! have rescued the cached version of the Reader reviews at Amazon.com for My Pet Goat

Friday, Jul. 16, 2004 - 11:52 am


Takes a pretty good swing at Sen. John Cornyn (Asshat - TX) and his idiotic remarks about man-on-turtle action

btw - Jeebus, what the fuck is it with these hardcore republicans and their preocupation with bestiality...I mean you've got Senator Rick Santorum(R - Man-on-Dog, PA) and local Arizona wacko Barbara Blewster (R - BFE) with her remarks about how homosexuality leads to "bestiality, cannibalism(!) and human sacrifice(!!!!! - WTF?) it begs one question:...Project much?

Friday, Jul. 16, 2004 - 12:50 pm

Bateman strikes again

Like to see the Enron beneficiaries (Bush, DeLay, GOP and anyone else pay up like we know they should

of course the bitch of the matter is we know the rat-bags wont'.

Friday, Jul. 16, 2004 - 12:47 pm

More on COngress

or, more appropriately "moron Congress

sad but true.

Friday, Jul. 16, 2004 - 12:36 pm

Let freedom reign

...apparently just not here in "'Murika" where, during a vote on HR-4818 (International oversight of Federal Elections) yesterday, Congresswoman Corrine Brown (D-Jacksonville,FL) was censured for her remarks reminding everyone of how the Bush Junta stole the 2000 Elections.

the remarks that pissed off the ReTHUGlicans were:

"I come from Florida, where you [the GOP leadership] and others participated in what I call the United States coup d'etat. We need to make sure that it doesn't happen again. Over and over again after the election when you stole the election, you came back here and said get over it. No we're not going to get over it and we want verification from the world."

Perhaps she's have gotten in less trouble if she had followed the lead of "Swingin'" Dick Cheney and told the R's to "go fuck themselves"

Friday, Jul. 16, 2004 - 11:25 am

Hmmm... Not an encouraging (or very democratic) sign

While the lapdog/Whore media here in America is giving hours and hours of coverage to the Martha Stewart sentencing, they are conveniently ignoring allegations that Iraqi Interim PM Iyad Allawi personally executed six suspected insurgents.

It's like Jello said: "America wants fuel, to get it it needs puppets..."

A more in-depth article is available from the Sydney Morning Herald[NOTE: registration may be required]

(via Holden @ Atrios

Thursday, Jul. 15, 2004 - 5:17 pm

Good Luck

These guys might have good enough intentions,

Iyad Allawi said he was creating the General Security Directorate, a domestic intelligence agency, which he hoped would infiltrate and expose those behind an insurgency that has raged since U.S.-led forces toppled Saddam Hussein (news - web sites) last year.

"We are determined to bring down all the hurdles that stand in the way of our democracy," Allawi told a news conference, a day after a suicide car bomb in Baghdad killed 11 people and the governor of the northern city of Mosul was assassinated. "Terrorism will be terminated, God willing."

but how long do you think it'll be before Negroponte has them re-enacting the Great Honduran Flying Nun Adventure

Thursday, Jul. 15, 2004 - 5:02 pm

New Idea for a googlebomb

all three of you, you know what to do... right? take this address, http://www.cnn.com/CNN/anchors_reporters/carlson.tucker.html , and link it to look like the following:

Gutless wonder

Lather, rinse, repeat.

Gutless wonder

Gutless wonder

Gutless wonder

Gutless wonder

Thursday, Jul. 15, 2004 - 4:59 pm

Another one from the "What the Fuck?!" files

George W. Bush's America - Trampling freedom in order to protect it


Thursday, Jul. 15, 2004 - 4:36 pm

Krugman nails the Bug Man


THIS is gonna leave a mark

Thursday, Jul. 15, 2004 - 11:31 am

Tucker Carlson



Waste of skin?

In 1994, an eight-year old girl named Valerie Lakey was playing in a wading pool. She got caught in a defective drain. Her intestines were ripped from her body by the suction. She is now 17. She will have to be fed through a tube, 12 hours a day, for the rest of her life. In 1997, John Edwards won her family a $25 million judgment, of which he took a portion. The judgment helped jump-start his political career.

On the first day of last year, as part of his opening comments on Crossfire, this is how the incident was described by Tucker Carlson, whom public and private broadcasting networks tumble all over themselves to hire: "Four years ago, he (Edwards) was a personal-injury lawyer specializing in Jacuzzi cases."

Jacuzzi cases.

An eight-year old who got disemboweled.

Jacuzzi cases.

A child who'll have to be fed through a tube for as long as she lives.

Jacuzzi cases.

Now, I know it's a terrible thing when Whoopi Goldberg makes salacious fun of C-Plus Augustus's last name. I know that society may simply collapse. But here is a professional communicator at the top of his profession who, because he couldn't come up with anything else to say at the moment, smugly dispatches the tragedy of a child whose guts were ripped out. (Later in the same show, he told co-host James Carville to "Lighten up," about his comments.) It was an interesting evening -- not only should Tucker Carlson have lost every job in the professional media that he has, and not only did he lose forever any right to criticize anyone for intemperate speech, he at that moment should have been shunned by decent people for the rest of his sorry life.

Jacuzzi cases.


(--Charles Pierce at Altercation - linked via Holden, who is among the team filling in admirably for Atrios)

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