Terror Alert Status: Terror Alert Level

Thursday, Jul. 08, 2004 - 4:52 pm

Something i've come to realize about Terror Alert briefings

From the CIA's Human Resource Exploitation Training Manual

The Questioner should be carefulAnother coercive technique is to manipulate the Subject's environment to disrupt patterns not to create them. This is done to disorient the Subject and destroy his capacity to resist. However, if succesful, it causes serious psychological damage and is, therefore, a form of torture.


DREAD (Intense Fear & Anxiety)

Sustained long enough, a strong fear of anything vague or unknown induces regression. On the other hand, materialization of the fear is likely to come as a relief. The Subject finds that he can hld out and his resistance is strengthened..."

Tuesday, Jul. 06, 2004 - 5:28 pm

Here's a letter to the New York Post(with apologies to Chuck D and Flavor Flav.)

"America's oldest continuously published daily piece ofbullshit...founded in 1801 by Alexander Hamilton, that's 203 years of continuously fucked-up news"

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