Terror Alert Status: Terror Alert Level

Saturday, Jun. 26, 2004 - 4:33 pm

Can we start calling it what it really is now?

The War for MORE Terrorism

Seriously, the only way that the Mission Accomplished banner still holds true is if the "Mission" was to totally fuck up Iraq, turn the Iraqi people against us and turn the region into an even more unstable hotbed of terrorism.

yep, in that case, the administration is succeeding beyond anyone's wildest expectations

Saturday, Jun. 26, 2004 - 4:28 pm

Two words:

Benedict Arnold

Saturday, Jun. 26, 2004 - 4:25 pm

We can dance if we want to


Fuck You, Ralph

Saturday, Jun. 26, 2004 - 4:13 pm

I'll be outraged by the outrage

While hardly anybody particularly deserves any of the bad shit that has happened in Iraq. I won't feel terribly sympathetic if it happens to the Pentagon's latest gaggle of high-paid mercs

United States taxpayers will pay up to $293 million for a contract to Aegis Defence Services of London


The military will pay all of Aegis' expenses, plus a pre-determined percentage of whatever they spend, which critics say is a license to over-bill.


Analysts like Peter Singer, author of Corporate Warriors: The Rise of the Privatized Military Industry and a fellow at the Brookings Institution, a liberal think tank in Washington, D.C., say that Aegis should never have gotten the contract.

"The contract is a case study in what not to do," he said. "To begin with, a core problem of the military outsourcing experience has been the lack of coordination, oversight and management from the government side. So outsourcing that very problem to another private company has a logic that would do only Kafka proud. In addition, it moves these companies further outside the bounds of public oversight."

read the rest of the piece and wonder what color the sky is in the world of BushCo

Saturday, Jun. 26, 2004 - 4:09 pm

I guess i won't be able to call them Lockheed-Torture

Funny thing, though. Lockheed seemed more worried about the potential bribery scandal than the whole Abu Ghraib/Torture issue.

Go figure.

Saturday, Jun. 26, 2004 - 3:58 pm


More good reasons to love the Irish


Saturday, Jun. 26, 2004 - 3:51 pm

Pot Versus Kettle redux

The WaPo points out something interesting.

The Supremes acted in an awfully partisan fashion in deciding to let The (Complete and utter) Dick (Cheney) keep his energy policy meetings with his Enron and other private sector pals a secret when they didn't let Hillary keep her Healthcare proceedings similarly closed.

But then again, in the last four years, are we at all surprised by Duck Hunt Tony and the Black Robe Republicans dancing solely with who appointed them?

Saturday, Jun. 26, 2004 - 3:42 pm

"Waaaaaah. Boo-hoo... Mommy, they're not softballing me like the lapdogs at home"

So, pity poor Georgie, who went to Ireland and actually met a journalist who did what journalists are supposed to do: ask tough questions and of course the little punk-ass bitch couldn't handle it.

hey, Mr. President - just ask your predecessor in office who caught more shit in office for lesser offenses than you, the Press are supposed to challenge you. The last thing the world needs is for every reporter (like the ones here in America) to basically do Scotty McLellan's job for him and shill fawningly, endlessly and uncritically for you.


Saturday, Jun. 26, 2004 - 1:35 pm

Speaking of the big FU to Ralph

Check this shit out.

Ralphie boy has been accepting help from partisans of the same Miserable Failure he helped back in 2000.

�We disagree with Ralph Nader�s politics, but we�d love to see him make the ballot,� said Russ Walker of Citizens for a Sound Economy, a group best known for its opposition to tax increases.

The Oregon Family Council also has been working the phones to boost attendance at Nader�s event � with the idea that it could help Bush this fall.

�We aren�t bashful about doing it,� said Mike White, the group�s director. �We are a conservative, pro-family organization, and Bush is our guy on virtually every issue.�


Saturday, Jun. 26, 2004 - 1:22 pm

Yeah, this mission is looking really accomplished lately

100+ dead in coordinated multiple bombings a couple of days ago, 17 dead in the Shi'ite city of Hilla and a seemingly unending supply of violence leading up to the sham that ShrubCo is calling the handover to Iraq's new not-really-sovereignty Sovereignty.

so, since i'm doling them out this week in honor of The (complete and total) Dick (Cheney)... Fuck you, Ralph Nader.

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