Terror Alert Status: Terror Alert Level

Friday, Apr. 01, 2005 - 3:34 pm

O! The Irony...

Michelle "Round them darkies up and lock 'em away" Malkin is apparently quite appalled by the hateful and brutal food-launchings aimed at rightwing fucktards lately.

boo fucking hoo, baby. (my editorial rebuttals in bold and italics

Sorry, I am not in the mood for April Fools.funny, that's what some of us think when we chance to read the shit someone is paying you to write

Drudge linked last night to a story and video of Pat Buchanan getting attacked by a deranged college student while giving a speech. The assailant doused Buchanan's face completely with salad dressing. He screamed, "Stop the bigotry!"before charging within inches of Buchanan and nearly hitting him in the head with the bottle as well.

If you think this is funny, you are sick. This is madness and it is chilling. Where are all the free-speech defenders when you need them? Too busy defending loons like you-know-who and trying to suppress the free-speech rights of law-abiding citizens.

ooh yeah, keep singin' it.... making wanna-be fascists like you look foolish is just such an atrocity, huh?

These physical attacks targeting conservatives on campus and in the public square are getting more frequent. (See Kristol, Coulter, Perle, Harris, and the conservative kid who got kicked by a left-wing nut professor, for starters.) Let's not forget that little Republican pissbag who decided that he needed to prove what a patriotic manly man he was by kicking that protestor while she was down during the Convention last summer or that cranky old Bush lady shoving her fist in a protestor's mouthThe Left continues to snicker about it. The MSM makes light of it (CBS: "A Dressing-Down For Pat Buchanan"; NPR: "What's a little pie in the face?"). And for the most part, college administrators let the thugs get away with it.

These unhinged moonbats coming from someone who writes a book defending the concept of internment camps and downplaying the negative aspects of it, calling anyone else "unhinged" is one of those pot-kettle kinda situationshave more thoroughly exposed the great myth of liberal tolerance than any conservative critic could. see my previous examples, factor in the death threats that the doctors, judges and Michael Schiavo have no doubt been getting from all you wonderful conservative churchgoing types out there and then listen to the crap your pal Ann (the Man) Coulter and Adam Yoshida like to spoew out there before you work up your self-righteous indignation) For that, I suppose we should be grateful.

It is time, however, for the Left to get a grip. Get back on your meds.Because you are just the picture of sanity, huh? In the end, you are only harming yourselves.which is, i guess, par for the course, since most of you conservative meatheads are so hell bent on harming EVERYONE else

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